New Search : Result for Part Number: MagCtAntq 1896-16m : Item Detail
©1896 CENTRAL PARK AT NIGHT, ©by Frederick A. S. . . . . .
Item# MagCtAntq 1896-16m [MagCtAntq 1896-16m]
Categories: Magazine&Periodical Articles & Advertisements-cut out pages (1949 & earlier),
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This is an original printed image on card stock. The artists name appears in the lower left corner but it is not legible. The text printed on the bottom is CENTRAL PARK AT NIGHT, copyright 1896 by Frederick A. S. . . . (the end of his last name is missing because of a small missing piece on the lower right corner). The female cyclist is holding some type of a lantern which provides light that is reflecting off or her hand, face & clothing. The dimensions of the page are 8 x 10 inches. This lovely piece of art appears to be an original printed plate from a magazine.

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