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1819 Early Newspaper Article about the Bicycle, Tuesday, September 6, 1819, New Hampshire Exeter Watchman (003) Item# MagCtAntq 1819-010 |

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1819 Early Newspaper Article about the Bicycle, Tuesday, September 6, 1819, New Hampshire Exeter Watchman ENLARGED VIEW Item# MagCtAntq 1819-011 |

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1869 May-01, HARPER`S `The Velocipede Mania-What It May Come To` Item# MagCtAntq 1869-810 |

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1875 December-18, HARPER`S `Athletic Games at Gilmore`s Concert Garden, New York` Item# MagCtAntq 1875-870 |

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1880 Feb-07, HARPER`S `Germantown Bicycle Club and New York`s American Institute 25-Mile Race` Item# MagCtAntq 1880-810 |

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1880 Feb-07, HARPER`S `Germantown Bicycle Club and New York`s American Institute 25-Mile Race` Item# MagCtAntq 1880-811 |

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1881 June-18, HARPER`S `Inter-Collegiate Athletic Games and Wheelmen in Boston on Commonwealth Ave. Item# MagCtAntq 1881-814 |

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1883 June-02, HARPER`S `3rd ANNUAL MEET OF THE LEAGUE OF AMERICAN WHEELMEN` Item# MagCtAntq 1883-812 |

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1883 September-29, HARPER`S `THE BICYCLE TOURNAMENT AT SPRINGFIELD, MASS` Item# MagCtAntq 1883-830 |

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1884 Advertisement for ROYAL MAIL and KANGAROO from Wm. Read and Sons of Boston Item# MagCtAntq 1884-015 |

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1884 Advertisement for COLUMBIA BICYCLES and TRICYCLES FROM THE POPE MFG CO Item# MagCtAntq 1884-016 |

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1884 June-21, HARPER`S Advertisements for COLUMBIA and VICTOR ADULT TRICYCLES Item# MagCtAntq 1884-846 |

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1884 October-25, HARPER`S Vol. XXVIII No.-1453, Advertisement for VICTOR ADULT TRICYCLES Item# MagCtAntq 1884-849 |

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1885 September-12, HARPER`S `The Bicycle Tournament at Hartford-The Mile Race for Amateurs` Item# MagCtAntq 1885-890 |

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1886 July-24, THE GRAPHIC `A Bicycle Tour in France` (see the picture gallery) Item# MagCtAntq 1886-152 |

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1886 June-05, HARPER`S `Annual Meet of the Wheelmen at Boston - Climbing Corey Hill` Item# MagCtAntq 1886-851 |

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1887 August-27, HARPER`S `A Chance Brush - Bicycle Against Buck-Board` Item# MagCtAntq 1887-871 |

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1889 Graphic Summer Number, TO THE PARIS EXHIBITION ON A TANDEM Item# MagCtAntq 1889-010 |

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September 28, 1889 `The Graphic` A British Periodical/Magazine, page-374 (002) Item# MagCtAntq 1889-011 |

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1889 November-30, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN `The Military Bicycle of the French and English` Item# MagCtAntq 1889-042 |

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1891 DEUTSCHE ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG, a German Publication Item# MagCtAntq 1891-030 |

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1892 April, Enlarged Advert for Victor Bicycles by Overman Wheel
Item# MagCtAntq 1892-112 |

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1892 July-09, THE ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD `The Old Order Changeth` Item# MagCtAntq 1892-147 |

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1896 Jan-8, Puck Magazine Front Cover Item# MagCtAntq 1896-01j |

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1896 June-11, Supplement to VANITY FAIR, Cycling in Hyde Park Item# MagCtAntq 1896-16j |

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©1896 CENTRAL PARK AT NIGHT, ©by Frederick A. S. . . . . . Item# MagCtAntq 1896-16m |

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1896 , LIFE PUBLISHING CO, `A Child of Fortune` (Mounted on matte board ready for framing) Item# MagCtAntq 1896-520 |

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1896.c, HARPER`S `NEW YORK`S LATEST FAD-THE MICHAUX CYCLE CLUB` (see picture gallery) Item# MagCtAntq 1896-524 |

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1897, HARPER`S Vol. XLI No,-2096 `Some Novelties at the Bicycle Show, New York` Item# MagCtAntq 1897-083 |

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1897 March-20, JUDGE Magazine Front Cover Item# MagCtAntq 1897-506 |

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c.1897, Bicycling for Health and Fortune-England Item# MagCtAntq 1897-515 |

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1897 , LIFE PUBLISHING CO, `Is Bicycling Bad For The Heart` (printed on thick card stock) Item# MagCtAntq 1897-522 |

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1897 April-24, HARPER`S, Pages-427 & 428 with 15 Advertisements Which are Bicycle Related Item# MagCtAntq 1897-823 |

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1897 May-22, HARPER`S, Page-527 with 20 Advertisements, 18 of Which are Bicycle Related Item# MagCtAntq 1897-829 |

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1897 July-01, HARPER`S `The New Esplanade and Driveways Along The Schuylkill River-Philadelphia` Item# MagCtAntq 1897-841 |

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1897 July-03, HARPER`S, Pages-671-2 with 7 Advertisements Which are Bicycle Related Item# MagCtAntq 1897-843 |

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1897, HARPER`S Vol. XLI No,-2099 `Early Morning in Washington D.C.` (see the picture gallery) Item# MagCtAntq 1897-845 |

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1897, HARPER`S Vol. XLI No,-2099, Ad for GARFORD SADDLES Item# MagCtAntq 1897-849 |

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1897 August-28, HARPER`S `A Night Scene on the Boulevard-New York`s Great Bicycle Thoroughfare` Item# MagCtAntq 1897-863 |

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1897 November-06, HARPER`S Vol. XLI No,-2133, Front Page-WHAT HAPPENED? Item# MagCtAntq 1897-869 |

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c.1897 FEMALE IN BRITCHES, OH DEAR WHAT NEXT, Comic Cut Page Item# MagCtAntq 1897-91a |

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c.1897 To an Elderly Wheelwoman, Comic Cut Page Item# MagCtAntq 1897-91b |

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c.1897 A BACK VIEW, Comic Cut Page Item# MagCtAntq 1897-91c |

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c.1897 YOU`RE A `BUTE` (I DON`T THINK), Comic Cut Page Item# MagCtAntq 1897-91d |

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c.1897 A SIGHT TO MAKE THE SUN GRIN, Comic Cut Page Item# MagCtAntq 1897-91e |

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c.1897 YOU`RE AWFUL NICE! (I`M NOT ON OATH, REMEMBER!), Comic Cut Page Item# MagCtAntq 1897-91f |

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