New Search : Result for Part Number: 2000-08.b : Item Detail
2000 August 25, 11th ICHC (International Cycle History Conference), Shimano`s Dinner Party
Item# 2000-08.b [2000-08.b]
Categories: Photographs-Japan (Miscellaneous),
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This photo was taken at the Shimano hosted Dinner Party held on August 25, 2000, the closing evening of the Conference. L-R: Ken Fujimura (Shimano), Howie Cohen, Kay Cohen, Akiko Shimano (Yoshi`s wife) & Yoshi Shimano.
Kay & Howie were in Japan for the 11th ICHC (International Cycle History Conference) which was graciously hosted by Shimano at their Sakai headquarters. The Shimano company hosted our group very lavishly. They supplied us with rooms for our meetings, audio & visual equipment for our presentations, a lovely buffet lunch every day for the three days, a tour of portions of the factory, a tour of the new Shimano Museum, a gala dinner party on August 25th, and more. Ken Fujimura (an old friend of Howie`s) of Shimano Co.was always in the background to make certain that all of our needs and desires were met. Mike Sumita (another old friend of Howie`s) stopped by for a greeting.
Natsukashi desu!

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