New Search : Result for Part Number: 1982-10 : Item Detail
1982 Japan Cycle Show
Item# 1982-10 [1982-10]
Categories: Photographs-Japan (Miscellaneous),
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Kay & Howie Cohen were in Japan for the 1982 Japan Cycle Show. This picture was taken in a restaurant. (L to R) Kay Cohen, Marco Yokoyama (Kuwahara), Jack & Lee Salem (Jax Bike Shop), Manfred Kalkhoff (Kalkhoff Bicycles). Howie Cohen is above between Marco & Jack. See the picture gallery.

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1982, Kay & Howie Cohen in Japan in the rain

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1982, Kay Cohen in Japan making a donation

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1982, Kay Cohen at the Japan Cycle Show

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1982, (L to R); Jack & Lee Salem (Jax Bike Shop) and Kay Cohen (Everything Bicycles) at the paint facility in the Kuwahara factory.

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