New Search : Result for Part Number: 1970c SunTour-020 : Item Detail
c.1970 SunTour`s Junzo Kawai`s Home Garden
Item# 1970c SunTour-020 [1970c SunTour-020]
Categories: Photographs-Japan (Miscellaneous),
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After a business meeting at the Maeda Industries office in Sakai, Osaka, Japan, Howie was often invited to have dinner at the home of then president, Junzo Kawai (aka Jun-chan). This photo was taken in the backyard garden of the Kawai home. (L to R) Jun-chan, Mrs. J.Kawai (Kei) & Howie. The Kawai`s grew beautiful flowers and vegetables in their garden.The dimensions are 4 7/16x3 1/4 inches. See the picture gallery for additional pictures taken on this day.

Picture Gallery for this Item (click images to enlarge)

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Junchan & Howie in the Kawai garden-c.1970

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Mrs. Junzo Kawai (Kei-san) & Howie in the Kawai garden-c.1970

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Keizo Kozaki of Kozaki Trading Co & Howie in the Kawai garden-c.1970

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Howie Cohen of West Coast Cycle (WCC) in the Kawai home garden-c.1970

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