New Search : Result for Part Number: 1969c GotoBaskets3 : Item Detail
c.1969 HOWIE and KEIZO KOZAKI at GOTO BASKET, Nagoya, Japan (See some of the plastic baskets in the showcase)
Item# 1969c GotoBaskets3 [1969c GotoBaskets3]
Categories: Photographs-Japan (Miscellaneous),
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Goto Basket Co was owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Goto. The showroom and warehouse was a modern facility adjacent to their home. The baskets were designed in the office, then produced by home-workers in the surronding areas. A Goto employee would deliver the raw materials to the various home-workers and pick-up the finished baskets, which would be packaged for export in the warehouse. Yasuyuki Goto, their youngest child, currently owns a retail bike shop in Nagoya. The dimensions are 3 x 4 1/4 inches.

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Mr. Goto and Howie; Keizo's image is in the mirror). In the upstairs showroom there was a large table used for displaying the many different basket sizes and designs. After the business was concluded, Mr. Goto removed the table top to reveal a pool table. . .I enjoyed playing pool with him.

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