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Schwinn Bicycle Comic Book-108.92mph on a bicycle |
This Schwinn Comic Book was published in 1949 for the Arnold , Schwinn & Co. of Chicago, ILL. It is full of information about various bicycling events including;
(1) the invention of the first bicycle and its use (invented by Baron Drais), the Velocipede (aka the Boneshaker) invented by Pierre Lallemont, the Ordinary (aka the High-Wheeler), and the Safety, (2) 6-Day Racing and the Schwinn Paramount, (3) Charles `Mile-A-Minute` Murphy who rode 60 mph in 1899, (4) Pee Jay Ringens who flies over 80-feet in the air riding a Schwinn bike, (5) Alfred Letourner rides 108.92 mph on a Schwinn Paramount, (6) The Ignaz Schwinn Trophy presented annually to the National Amateur Bicycle Champion In addition to the above, the book contains lots of illustrations of Schwinn bikes & parts that were produced and sold at the time. The Schwinn `AS LONG AS YOU OWN IT` Guarantee is published on the outside back cover. See the picture gallery. Doug Stiverson Collection [Item# 1949 Schwinn] |
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BIKE COMICS by U.S. Rubber Co (U.S. Royal Bike Tires) |
Page-2 [Item# 1949 U.S. Tire] |
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1958-1959 Schwinn Bicycle Comic Book-Bike Thrills |
This Schwinn comic book was printed and distributed in either 1958 or 1959. Included are many illustrations of the Schwinn bikes & parts that were produced & sold at the time. Some of the models of bikes illustrated are; Panther II, Debutante, Corvette, Fair Lady, Traveler, Racer, Hornet, Deluxe Hornet, Paramount, Hollywood, Starlet, Catalina, Speedster, Tiger, Pixe, Tornado, Deluxe Tornado, Town & Country Tandem, Phantom, Wasp, and the Mark IV Jaguar. Also included are interesting facts about the history of the bicycle and how bicycles are made at the famous Schwinn factory in Chicago. There is a special section giving the names of the Champion Bike Racing Stars for the years of 1921-1958. The stories about Alfred Letourner & Charles `MILE-A-MINUTE` Murphy are included. See the picture gallery. Doug Stiverson Collection [Item# 1959 SchwinnComic] |
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2010-September, BionX Battery Bike Motor |
This cute comic book was distributed in the October-1 2010 issue of B.R.A.I.N. (Bicycle retailer and Industry News). It was glued onto one of the pages. The title is Escape From The Horde. It`s a far-out fantasy story that takes place in the year 2014. BionX produces a line of battery powered motors that can be retrofitted onto a bicycle, which is claimed to give the bike extra power. The company appears to be headquartered in Canada. Their web site is www.bionx.ca/zombi. A USA distributor is QBP; interested dealers can contact QBP by telephone at 800/346-0004 extension #1523. [Item# 2010 BionX Comic] |
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