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Everything Bicycles - : 1978 Dale Paramore from Baron`s Bike Shop Team in Torrance, CA: Photographs-BMX Racing
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1978 Dale Paramore from Baron`s Bike Shop Team in Torrance, CA
This is Dale Paramore racing in HI in August 1978. Dale rode for Team Baron`s Bike Shop in Torrance when Chris Meuse owned the store. Dale is a terrific young man; he often hung around the Everything Bicycles Torrance facility because his parents had a business close by. Chris Meuse & his mother, Margret currently own & operate Alpha Bicycle Company in Vista, CA. Howie has been proudly associated with the Meuse family since 1978 when they owned Baron`s Bicycle Store in Torrance. I re-connected with Chris while I was in CA during the early months of 2011. [Item# 1978 BMX D.Paremor]
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Everything Bicycles - : c.1982 Bob Osborn (BMX Action Magazine) and Howie: Photographs-BMX Racing
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c.1982 Bob Osborn (BMX Action Magazine) and Howie
This picture was taken at Kay & Howie`s home one evening while we were having dinner together. [Item# 1983.cOsborn~Howie]
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Everything Bicycles - : c.1987 Kuwahara Team Member-Hiroshi-san in Osaka: Photographs-KUWAHARA
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c.1987 Kuwahara Team Member-Hiroshi-san in Osaka
Hiroshi-san was a member of the Kuwahara Factory Team in Japan. Here he is shown leading two other racers at a BMX race in Osaka, Japan [Item# 1987.c BMX Hiroshi]
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