New SearchCategory: "Magazines&Periodicals-Antique, Non-Bicycle Title but with articles relating"
Everything Bicycles - : The Argosy Magazine, New York, March 30, 1889: Magazines&Periodicals-Antique, Non-Bicycle Title but with articles relating
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The Argosy Magazine, New York, March 30, 1889
This is the Saturday, March 30, 1889 issue of The Argosy magazine (periodical). It is Vol. VII, No. 18, Whole No. 330. It contains pages 575-610 which includes the covers. Page 588 contains a lovely article titled CYCLING EXTRAORDINARY which is about three different instances of trick riding:
(1) An Italian names Scurri who became an expert at riding a one-wheel `monocycle` after he accidentally buckled the rear wheel of his high-wheel bicycle. Scurri became so proficient that he ended up performing in the circus and became a favorite in entertainment circles.
(2) At the Crystal Palace in London, a year or two ago (1887-1888) a man rode onto a platform and while riding around took the machine to pieces until at last, he was standing upright, working only the big wheel, on which he rode off.
(3) In New Haven, Dan Canary taught himself 74 different ways to mount his high-wheel bicycle.
The dimensions are 8 1/4 x 10 5/8 inches. The image shown here is page-588, the article, see the picture gallery for an image of the front cover of this issue. [Item# A 1889 Argosy]
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Everything Bicycles - : The Cosmopolitan, 1895 August, New York: Magazines&Periodicals-Antique, Non-Bicycle Title but with articles relating
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The Cosmopolitan, 1895 August, New York
This is the August 1895 issue of The Cosmopolitan magazine (periodical). It is Vol. XIX, No. 4. It contains an illustrated article titled BICYCLING FOR WOMEN on pages 386-394 authored by Mrs. Reginald de Koven. The article boasts the virtues of the bicycle and goes into details about women`s cycling and dress fashion. The dimensions are 7 x 9 3/4 inches. See the picture gallery for illustrations of the ladies fashion cycling attire. [Item# C 1895Cosmopolitan]
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Everything Bicycles - : 1882 June 17, <em><strong>THE FIELD-</strong>The Country Gentleman`s Newspaper<br /></em>: Magazines&Periodicals-Antique, Non-Bicycle Title but with articles relating
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1882 June 17, THE FIELD-The Country Gentleman`s Newspaper
This June 17, 1882 issue of The Field contains 40 pages (809-848). It was published in England and includes articles & information about many different sports including Bicycling (for tricycles & bicycles). The dimensions are 11 1/4 x 16 3/4 inches.  See the picture gallery for enlarged sections of the Bicycling articles.
[Item# F 1882 The Field]
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Everything Bicycles - : 1897 June-12 <em><strong>The Graphic</strong> an Illustrated Weekly Newspaper,</em> London, England: Magazines&Periodicals-Antique, Non-Bicycle Title but with articles relating
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1897 June-12 The Graphic an Illustrated Weekly Newspaper, London, England
[Item# G 1897 Graphic]
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Everything Bicycles - : 1899 December 2, GOLDEN HOURS: Magazines&Periodicals-Antique, Non-Bicycle Title but with articles relating
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1899 December 2, GOLDEN HOURS
The Saturday December 2, 1899 issue of GOLDEN HOURS, a New York publication containing 16 pages plus the covers. The publisher was Norman L. Munro. This newsprint paper magazine contains several stories including: (1) Kit Clyde, The Girl Stage Driver, (2) Dick Darrell, The Newsboy Scot, (3) Fighting in the Philippines, (4) Firing the Claim-Jumpers, (5) Boot-Black Bob, (6) Tracked to Death and other stories and articles. The magazine offered to give free 20 Golden Hours Bicycles which were produced by Ingersoll (The Robert H. Ingersoll & Brothers of New York). The `clip-coupon` contest rules are on the outside back cover. The dimensions are 10 1/2 x 14 1/4 inches. The condition is poor. See the picture gallery. [Item# G 1899 GoldenHours]
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Everything Bicycles - : 1894 July 14 <em><strong>HARPER`S BAZAR</strong> published weekly<br /></em>: Magazines&Periodicals-Antique, Non-Bicycle Title but with articles relating
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1894 July 14 HARPER`S BAZAR published weekly
This is the New York Saturday July 14, 1894 issue of Harper`s Bazar, Vol-XXVII No-28 published by Harper & Brothers. The dimensions are 11 1/4 x 16 inches. The cover is a drawing of A FRENCH GARDEN PARTY TOILETTE. Most Harper`s publications contain editorial articles about bicycles and/or bicycling during the period. See the picture gallery.
[Item# H 1894 Harper`sBaz]
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Everything Bicycles - : 1896 March 14 <em><strong>HARPER`S WEEKLY</strong> an Illustrated Weekly Newspaper</em>: Magazines&Periodicals-Antique, Non-Bicycle Title but with articles relating
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1896 March 14 HARPER`S WEEKLY an Illustrated Weekly Newspaper
This is the New York March 14, 1896 issue of Harper`s Weekly, Vol-XL No-2047 published by Harper & Brothers. The dimensions are 11 1/4 x 16 inches. See the picture gallery. The cover is a drawing of a photo of The Looting of Jaruco-Cuban Insurgents Making off with Booty After Burning the Town. [Item# H 1896Harper`sWeek]
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Everything Bicycles - : 1909 March 6 <em><strong>HARPER`S WEEKLY</strong> an Illustrated Weekly Newspaper</em>: Magazines&Periodicals-Antique, Non-Bicycle Title but with articles relating
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1909 March 6 HARPER`S WEEKLY an Illustrated Weekly Newspaper
This is the New York March 6, 1909 issue of Harper`s Weekly, Vol-LIII No-2724 published by Harper & Brothers. Edited by George Harvey. The dimensions are 11 1/4 x 16 inches. The cover is an illustration of the Honor Guard in front of the White House representing the inauguration of President William `Bill` H. Taft.  See the picture gallery. [Item# H 1909Harper`sWeek]
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Everything Bicycles - : Lippincott`s Monthly, 1893 May, Philadelphia: Magazines&Periodicals-Antique, Non-Bicycle Title but with articles relating
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Lippincott`s Monthly, 1893 May, Philadelphia
This is the May 1893 issue of Lippincott`s Monthly magazine (periodical). It is #305. It contains an article titled COLONEL POPE AND GOOD ROADS on pages 646-647 authored by Professor L.M. Haupt. The article applauds the efforts of Colonel Albert A. Pope toward campaigning for good roads in the USA. The dimensions are 6 1/4 x 9 1/2 inches. See the picture gallery. [Item# L 1893Lippincott`s]
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Everything Bicycles - : St. Nicholas Magazine, April 1898, New York: Magazines&Periodicals-Antique, Non-Bicycle Title but with articles relating
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St. Nicholas Magazine, April 1898, New York
The title of this Magazine (Periodical) is St NICHOLAS, for-young-folks, conducted by Mary-Mapes-Dodge. It was published by the Century Co of Union Square, new York. This is not the complete publication but it does contain two complete interesting bicycle articles plus some other articles & pages.
(1) THE STORY OF THE WHEEL by by Frank H. Vizetelly on pages 443-455. A rare early and very well written article about the history and evolution of the bicycle. It is well illustrated. Based upon its early publication it is probable that this article was the factual base for many articles written after 1898.
(2) THE LAKERIM ATHLETIC CLUB by Rupert Hughes on pages 478-485. This story began in the December issue and is to be continued here (chapter V and VI) and in the next issue. Bicycle Polo is described in detail and illustrated. There is an exciting illustration on page-484 of one of the boys riding in the rain; the caption is THE FELLOW LEAPED UP FROM A FENCE-CORNER TO HEAD HIM OFF. Very interesting reading!
The dimensions are 7 1/2 x 10 inches. See the picture gallery for the pages of the two articles. Click on the thumbnail pictures to see greatly enlarged, easy to read images. [Item# S 1898 St Nicholas]
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Everything Bicycles - : Work and Win Magazine, October 20, 1899, New York: Magazines&Periodicals-Antique, Non-Bicycle Title but with articles relating
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Work and Win Magazine, October 20, 1899, New York
The title of this Magazine (Periodical) is WORK and WIN, An Interesting Weekly for Young America. It was published weekly and mailed to subscribers; the subscription fee was $2.50 per year. This is issue #46, the non-fiction story is about Fred Fearnot At Yale Again, or Teaching The College Boys New Tricks.
The dimensions are 8 x 11 inches. See the picture gallery. [Item# W 1899 Work ~ Win]
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