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Result for Part Number: WheelTalk-030 : Item Detail |
1897 March Wheel Talk Vol-IV #4 published by Morgan & Wright Tire Co. of Chicago |
Item# WheelTalk-030 [WheelTalk-030] Categories: Magazines&Periodicals-Antique, Wheel Talk (Morgan&Wright,Chicago), | |
| Since Howie Cohen's passing, no items are for sale. | It is now a monthly publication. "Wheel Talk" was published by Morgan & Wright of Chicago, a tire company established in 1882. The booklet was slanted toward the retailers and repairmen in the bicycle industry but could also be enjoyed by consumers in the bicycling community. The front page has several thoughtful 'catch phrases' of the times. This issue contains pages 49-64, the condition is good, the dimensions are 6 1/2 x 8 3/8 inches. |
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