New Search : Result for Part Number: UK Cycln1932.04-08 : Item Detail
1932 April 8, CYCLING by Temple Press-London, Vol-88 (LXXXVIII), No. 2149
Item# UK Cycln1932.04-08 [UK Cycln1932.04-08]
Categories: Magazines&Periodicals-Antique,Cycling, Britian's Temple Press,
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Reading this publication gives you an overview of the British (and some of the European) cycling scene during the period. The photos, illustrations and advertisements are splendid. The news covers touring, racing (track & road), club rides and industry. This publication was founded in 1891. The dimensions are 8 1/8 x 10 3/4 inches. See the picture gallery.

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Page-7, adverts for: (1) F.H. Grubb Cycle Shop featuring the Grubb Twickenham Model Tandem, and (2) The New Hudson Tandems with Duplex construction tubes.

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Page-8, adverts for: (1) Chater-Lea Tandems for 1932, (2) Terry Saddles by Herbert Terry & Sons Ltd. of Redditch, and (3) Shockstops Rubber handlebar grips.

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Page-10, adverts for: (1) F.W. Southall Cycles of London, (2) touring bags by The Leatheries Ltd of Birmingham, (3) W.F. Holdsworth Cycles of Kent, and (4) s-speed touring tandem from H. Carpenter & Son Cycle Shop of London.

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Page-20, an advert for the Super H.M. Club Tandem (Reynolds High Manganese Steel, multi-speed derailleur, chrome plated) and the Claud Butler All-Rounder Lightweight road bike from East Hill Wandsworth cycle Shop of London, and an editorial article about the cycle trade including the text about the tandems from the James Grose Cycle Shop being produced by C hater-Lea and a picture of Mr. J.W.Jones who is on a 1500 mile tour around the coast of Ireland on a Hercules bicycle.

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Page-34, the outside back cover, an advert for the James Cycle Co of Birmingham & London, seller of the JAMES ARROW ACE TWICER tandem

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