New Search : Result for Part Number: SportcastinCd-S487 : Item Detail
SIX-DAY RACES (6-DAY), The History
Item# SportcastinCd-S487 [SportcastinCd-S487]
Categories: Cards-SPORTSCASTING,
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The back of this card is in English describing the history and evolution of Velodrome Six-Day Racing and mentioning; Charles Terront, Waller (from Newcastle), Charles Miller, Stol, Van Houwaert, Goullet, Fogler, Piet Van Kempen, MacNamara, Gerrit Schulte, Peter Post, Patrick Sercu, Rik Van Steenbergen, Willy Peden and Klaus Bugdahl. The Velodrome d`Hiver is also mentioned. Pictured is the converted Palais des Sports in Grenoble France. Sportscaster cards were released in several countries and languages around the world in the late 1970s. The dimensions are 4 3/4 x 6 1/4.

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The reverse side of this card with an explanation about the history & evolution of six-day velodrome races and naming several of the past champions.

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