New Search : Result for Part Number: Shimano.g 2002 : Item Detail
2002 October 25th, SHIMANO-Yoshi to Howie and Kay (see the picture gallery)
Item# Shimano.g 2002 [Shimano.g 2002]
Categories: Letterheads, Letters & Envelopes-Contemporary,
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Yoshizo`s (Yoshi`s) response to Howie`s letter of condolence regarding the passing of Shozo Shimano. Yoshi and Howie have had a wonderful relationship since the early 1960`s. See the picture gallery for a copy of Howie`s letter and the enclosures included with Yoshi`s letter.

Picture Gallery for this Item (click images to enlarge)

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A copy of Howie's letter to the Shimano Family; Yozo is Shozo's son and a director of the company (he was or is the president)

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'Memory of late Shozo Shimano' This wonderful written tribute was given to the over 2,000 attendees at Shozo's funeral, paying their respects.

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Biographical Outline of Shozo Shimano. This outline is printed on the reverse side of the 5 paragraph tribute to Shozo's life and attitude.

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