New Search : Result for Part Number: Poster-N.300-172b : Item Detail
No. 172 `Jimminy Crickets! My Feet`s afire! c.1943-LIFE (Original, not a reprint)
Item# Poster-N.300-172b [Poster-N.300-172b]
Categories: Posters, Posters-New Departure,
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AVAILABLE TO SELL, I HAVE AN ORIGINAL DUPLICATE! The text on this large size poster is; `Jimminy crickets! My feet`s afire! Why didn`t I take Maw`s bike with the New Departure Coaster Brake!` New Departure distributed posters to retail bicycle stores for point of purchase advertising. There were several different designs in this series. New Departure Coaster Brakes were invented by Harry Townsend & the Rockwell brothers (Albert & Edward) while they were employed by the New Departure Manufacturing Company. The dimensions are 16 x 23 1/4 inches.

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