New Search : Result for Part Number: Poster-N.300-091 : Item Detail
No. 091 `Tricycle Has Grown Up` c.1940`s (Original, not a reprint)
Item# Poster-N.300-091 [Poster-N.300-091]
Categories: Posters, Posters-New Departure,
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The picture on this c.1940`s large size poster is Mr. R.T. Knorr of La Brea Bike Shop in Los Angeles. He is sitting in a novel adult tricycle in front of his Store. Knorr does repair work for many film stars. The photo was taken by Mr. George Chenoweth, New Departure`s coast representative. New Departure distributed posters to retail bicycle stores for point of purchase advertising. There were several different designs in this series. New Departure Coaster Brakes were invented by Harry Townsend & the Rockwell brothers (Albert & Edward) while they were employed by the New Departure Manufacturing Company. The dimensions are 16 x 25 inches.

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