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Result for Part Number: NP-g-654 : Item Detail |
The Glendale by J.F. Mathews, Glendale, Calif. |
Item# NP-g-654 [NP-g-654] Categories: Nameplates (Head Badges), | Price:$ 45.00 each |
| Since Howie Cohen's passing, no items are for sale. | AVAILABLE TO SELL OR TRADE (nameplate not decal), I HAVE A DUPLICATE! The printed colors are gold, black & red. the text is `MFD FOR The Glendale J.F. MATHEWS GLENDALE, CALIF.` The mounting holes are on the sides located within `wings` (tabs) that are a part of the stamping. There is a small embossed `dot` centered near the top between the words MFD & FOR; I suppose the `dot` was used for centering the nameplate on the headtube of a new or rebuilt bike. The height is 3 7/16 inches. There is a decal (water transfer) with the nameplate; it appears to be the size that would fit nicely on the seatube, near the bottombracket shell. The text is `J.F. MATHEWS, Great Western Cyclery, Bicycles and Supplies, 115 N. Maryland Ave., Glendale, Calif.` |
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The badge without the decal included |
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