New Search : Result for Part Number: MagCtAntq 1897-863 : Item Detail
1897 August-28, HARPER`S `A Night Scene on the Boulevard-New York`s Great Bicycle Thoroughfare`
Item# MagCtAntq 1897-863 [MagCtAntq 1897-863]
Categories: Magazine&Periodical Articles & Advertisements-cut out pages (1949 & earlier),
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This is a cropped snippet of the full page-864 with an illustration and story about how the bicycle craze, Wheelmen & Wheelwomen improved Broadway, north of 59th Street, which became a beautiful parkway with grass plots, flowers and graveled walks. `The tandem is greatly in evidence on the Boulevard this summer; the scorcher has almost disappeared, as has also the young woman in bloomers. Wheelmen and Wheelwomen ride better and dress more becomingly than ever before. It is a great sight, and every one should see the Boulevard on a summer evening`. The dimensions are are 11 x 15 3/4  inches. See the picture gallery.

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An advertisement for SOZODONT, a mouth and breath refreshener which is on the reverse side, page-863. 'After a spin, Sozodont is almost indispensable'.

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The text of the story that is printed toward the bottom of the page in the right hand column

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