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Result for Part Number: MagCtAntq 1889-011 : Item Detail |
September 28, 1889 `The Graphic` A British Periodical/Magazine, page-374 (002) |
Item# MagCtAntq 1889-011 [MagCtAntq 1889-011] Categories: Magazine&Periodical Articles & Advertisements-cut out pages (1949 & earlier), | |
| Since Howie Cohen's passing, no items are for sale. | This full color cartoon is on the reverse side of page-374. The title on the bottom is THE ROMANCE OF CYCLING, `REMINISCENCES OF A RUN WITH A NORTH LONDON CLUB`. The sequence is; (1) 5 gents on a club ride (4/safeties and 1/Ordinary), (2) they startle a horse which gives the ordinary his first spill, (3) they peek over the wall at Miss Smith`s Boarding School, (4) they invade the premises to be with the ladies, (5) Miss Smith spots them in the yard and chases them over the wall with a broom, (6) they ride back home at dusk `good night`. The dimensions of the page are 9 1/2 x 14 inches. It is already in a mat; the exterior dimensions are 20 x 12 3/4 inches. The mat is cropped out of this photo. |
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