New Search : Result for Part Number: MagCtAntq 1884-015 : Item Detail
1884 Advertisement for ROYAL MAIL and KANGAROO from Wm. Read and Sons of Boston
Item# MagCtAntq 1884-015 [MagCtAntq 1884-015]
Categories: Magazine&Periodical Articles & Advertisements-cut out pages (1949 & earlier),
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This page-18 was cut out of an 1884 publication. It is pasted onto a stiff paper stock; there is page-13 pasted onto the same stock. There is a full page of text and classified ads on the reverse side.The dimensions are 7 1/2 x 11 1/2 inches. On the reverse side of the stiff paper stock are several cut articles from 1943 publications; see the photo gallery.

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A collage of articles from 1942 & 1943 publications. These articles are pasted on the stiff paper stock.

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