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1895 September-21, `The Olympic` Vol.III Official Organ of Pacific Athletic Association (P.A.A.) |
| The tag line is, `PACIFIC COAST AUTHORITY ON CYCLING ATHLETICS AND SPORTS IN GENERAL`. A large size fromat (10 1/4 x 13 3/4 inches) semi monthly publication consisting of page numbers 313-336, full of advertisements from; (a) Northern California retailers and distributors, (b) bicycle manufacturers, (c) cycle clothing manufacturers, (d) sundry goods, etc. See the picture gallery for copies of some of the advertisements and articles. This particular picture only shows the upper 2/3 of the front page (it`s too large for my scanner). Editorical articles include; (1) information about cycling clubs and their contact information, (2) L.A.W. information, (3) Women Cycling, (4) racing events and results, (5) bicycle touring, (6) bicycle industry information, and more. A wealth of information for collectors of California in general and No Cal specifically. The condition is fair. Picture Gallery for this Item (click images to enlarge) |
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Page-314 an advertisement for Buckingham & Hecht's Bicycle Shoes, sold by Kast's retail store on Market St. |
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Page-314 an advertisement for Tribune Bicycles sold by the retail store 'The Wheelery' on Stanyan St., operated by C.M. Christoffer, sole agent. |
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Page-314 an advertisement for the Keating Model K Bicycle sold by retailer Edwards Cycle Co. on the corner of Page and Stanuyan |
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Page-318 advertisement for Golden Gate Cyclery, retailer of Victor Bicycles, operated by Fagothey and Maple, proprietors. Also advertisements for 3 other companies in the San Francisco area. |
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Page-318 advertisement for Liberty Bicycles and Allerton's Chain Compond by A.D. Ayers, the Pacific Coast Agent and Shirk Bicycles by Howe Scale Co.. Pacific Coast Agents and jobbers in bicycle specialties and sundries and the retailer, Watters and Davies on Market St. |
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Page-319 the usual article entitled 'CYCLING - The Pacific Coast Authority' with the gents and ladys cyclists logo as the artwork for the header. This article spoke to club activities and other news worthy information that would be of interest to cyclists at the time. |
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Page-320 advertisement for Yost-Falcon Bicycles by General Pacific Coast Agent, George Webb Alexander of San Francisco. |
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Page-321 advertisement for Premier Cycle Co by the general agents for the Pacific Coase, Western Primier Cycle Co. of San Francisco, who had a retail store on Market St. |
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Page-322; the ever present article titled 'THE CALIFORNIA CIRCUIT' that reports news and results about races, meets, clubs, teams and individual racers. |
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Page-324 Pictures taken at the San Jose Meet in 1895 |
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Page-326 advertisement for Victor Bicycles by the Overman Wheel Co. with branches in San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles and Portland, Oregon. |
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Page-327 advertisement for Lovell Diamond Cycles by Smith's Cash Store, the General Agent for California located in San Francisco. |
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Page-329 advertisement for Rambler Bicycles by Thomas H.B. Varney with branches in San Francisco and Los Angeles. |
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Page-331, three new Road Officers for 'The Imperial Cycling Club' which just recently moved into their new comfortable quarters at 614 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco. |
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Page-335 advertisement for Halladay Scorcher Bicycles by O.S. Potter and Co. of San Francisco (jobbers and retailers of bicycles and sundries). |
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Page-336 (the outside back cover), an advertisement for Columbia Bicycles by the Pope Mfg. Co. with branches at 344 Post St. (wholesale department & warehouse) and at 1970 Page St. (Golden Gate Park branch). |
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