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Result for Part Number: MagAntqMisc H 2-09 : Item Detail |
1909 March 6 Harper`s Weekly Vol. LIII No. 2724 |
Item# MagAntqMisc H 2-09 [MagAntqMisc H 2-09] Categories: Magazines&Periodicals-Antique, Various Titles, | |
| Since Howie Cohen's passing, no items are for sale. | This is the March 6,1909 issue of Harper`s Weekly a large size format (11 x 16 inches) weekly publication. The issues often contain articles and advertisements relating to bicycles and bicycling at the time. The condition is poor. See the picture gallery. |
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An advertisement for Mead Cycles on page 27 |
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An advertisement for Racycle bicycles which were produced by The Miami Cycle & Mfg Co. |
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