New Search : Result for Part Number: MagAntqMisc G 640 : Item Detail
1899 December 2, `Golden Hours` Vol. XXIV No 618 New York
Item# MagAntqMisc G 640 [MagAntqMisc G 640]
Categories: Magazines&Periodicals-Antique, Various Titles,
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Golden Hours is not a bicycle publication. I purchased it because the front page of this edition offers 20 BICYCLES FREE TO OUR READERS. The outside back cover describes the rules for cutting out the coupons from this and other issues of GOLDEN HOURS and sending or bringing the coupons to the publisher`s office. The bicycles, both gents and lady`s models, are said to be made by INGERSOLL. The supplier of the bikes was ROBERT H. INGERSOLL & BRO of Cortlandt Street, New York, one of the largest dealers of sporting goods in this country. The dimensions are 10 1/4 x 14 1/4 inches. The condition is poor. See the picture gallery.

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The outside back cover with the rules for entering the contest for one of the 20 free Ingersoll brand bicycles.

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