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Result for Part Number: MagAntqMisc F 465 : Item Detail |
1882 June 17, `The Field`, The Country Gentleman`s Newspaper` Vol.LIX No 1538 |
Item# MagAntqMisc F 465 [MagAntqMisc F 465] Categories: Magazines&Periodicals-Antique, Various Titles, | |
| Since Howie Cohen's passing, no items are for sale. | This is the June 17, 1882 issue of The Field, a large format 40-page Newspaper from the UK . All sports and interests for men are covered in this publication. Page-817 is almost entirely devoted to BICYCLING AND TRICYCLING in the UK and New Zealand. The condition is fair, the cover is missing. See the picture gallery. |
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Page-809 with a one column x 6-inch article about BICYCLING |
| ProteanPAPER Business Software