New Search : Result for Part Number: MagAntqMisc A 710H : Item Detail
1891 August, THE AMERICAN CYCLIST Vol.2-No. 7 (see the picture gallery)
Item# MagAntqMisc A 710H [MagAntqMisc A 710H]
Categories: Magazines&Periodicals-Antique, Various Titles,
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This periodical was published monthly in Hartford, Conn by Joseph Goodman, Editor & Proprietor. The masthead text is: Published Monthly, Devoted to the Interests of Wheeling. . .and the Improvement of Highways. This issue is 16 pages which contain editorial about Racing, L.A.W. News, Club News, Trade News, News about Road Conditions and lots of advertisements with great illustrations. There are a few additional sample pages scanned in the picture gallery of item #MagAntqMisc A 710B. The dimensions are 9 1/4 x 11 5/8 inches.

Picture Gallery for this Item (click images to enlarge)

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Page 171, an ad showing the back section of the Model No. 2 NEW MAIL, by the William Read and Sons Co. of Boston

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Page-177, a small article regarding the NATIONAL MEET AT DETROIT.

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Page 181 with news about racing including a photo of a notable tandem team from the Buffalo Athletic Club, F.M Brinker & W.D. Banker

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Page-182 with an article about THE NATIONAL MEET AT DETROIT, MI. Mentioned are USA bicycle factories including: Sercombe & Balte Mfg. Co., George R. Bidwell Cycle Co., Hartford Cycle Co., Pope Mfg. Co., Gormully & Jeffery Mfg. Co., A. Featherstone Cycle Co of NY, Western Wheel Works, Grand Rapids Cycle Co., Hickory Elliott Cycle Mfg. Co., Rouse Hazard & Co., C.F. Stokes Mfg. Co., Union Cycle Mfg Co., Stover Bicycle Mfg. Co., Overman Wheel Co, The Buffalo Cycle Works Co. (Mr. D. Pettit), Warwick Cycle Co. and many others. Also many of the racers are mentioned.

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Page-186, adverts for two different bicycles:
UNION Bicycle Model 12 by Union Cycle Mfg. Co. of Highlandville, Mass., with a lovely poem included in the text:
     The people who sarcastically twitter
At the probable utility of springs,
Will they show themselves as ignorantly bitter
'Gainst the introduction post mortem of wings?
     We presume that they'll accept the situation,
Nor find such means of traveling amiss,
Then let them welcome in the innovation,
Which we've embodied in a wheel like this.

PARAGON Bicycles sold by Stover Bicycle Mfg. Co. of Freeport, ILL.


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Page 187with news about racing and racemen. the photo is of Sidney Bartow Bowman of Elizabeth, NJ.

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