New Search : Result for Part Number: MagAntqMisc A 650 : Item Detail
1939 August, AMERICAN BICYCLIST and MOTORCYCLIST Vol. 60, No. 8(see the picture gallery)
Item# MagAntqMisc A 650 [MagAntqMisc A 650]
Categories: Magazines&Periodicals-Antique, Various Titles,
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The American Bicyclist and Motorcyclist magazine is a consolidation of several prior publications that were acquired and/or merged through the years. Ultimately, David Meyers purchased the publication and renamed it The American Bicyclist and Motorcyclist. David`s wife, Florence and son Stu were both active in the business. This issue has 43 pages and is full of editorial and advertisements that chronical the bicycle industry for the period. Howie`s family & Stu Meyers worked closely together for many years. Stu sold the publication which subsequently stopped publishing. Stu passed away in later years, may God rest his soul. I couldn`t resist scanning two hands full (plus) pages from this issue because they are so nostalgic. To see the 21 scanned pages, go the the category `Magazines/Periodicals-Contemporary, American Bicyclist and Motorcyclist` and view item #AmBicyclist1939-08. The dimensions are 9 x 12 inches.

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