New Search : Result for Part Number: Kitch Backsplash.D : Item Detail
Beautifully Decorated Kitchen Tile Backsplash
Item# Kitch Backsplash.D [Kitch Backsplash.D]
Categories: Household Items (Bathroom, Kitchen, etc.),
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Since Howie Cohen's passing, no items are for sale.
This item is not in my collection. The photo was sent to me by friends Linda & Jack. This is a painted mural on the ceramic tiles forming the backsplash behind their stove. Linda engaged an artist to do this beautiful mural. Although Jack has never been in Holland, the artist titled the work JACK BICYCLING IN HOLLAND. Jack has been an ardent bicyclist for most of his life and he was the founder & proud owner of a very successful retail Bicycle Store in the state of Washington before retiring. He still enjoys cycling!

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