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Japan Bicycle Promotion Institute (JBPI) - Worldwide
Item# JBPI JapanBicycle [JBPI JapanBicycle]
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The Japan Bicycle Promotion Institute (JBPI) is an organization that gathers information about the bicycle industry & bicycling community worldwide and reports such information to the Tokyo head office. Additionally, they promote the use and awareness of Japanese bicycles to foreign counties worldwide. Howie`s initial contact with the JBPI was in the 1960`s with Mr. T.Tachibana from the Los Angeles office. Mr. T as he was called, is a really great guy and was extremely helpful to WCC by helping to expose the American Eagle & Nishiki bicycles at various venues. Mr. T is now retired; he lives in the Yokohama area with his charming wife Motoko (naijonoko).

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1970 Mr. Wada, president of the Japan Bicycle Promotion Institute, in his Tokyo office. As a side note; the high wheel bicycle plaque on the wall behind Wada-san was a gift to the JBPI from WCC. It was hand made by Chuck Pranke, a good bike racer, a good guy and the promoter of the International Grand Prix Track Races of the early 1970's; the events were held at the Encino Velodrome in CA.

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The business card of Hiroyuki Kono who has served in America & Japan.

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The business card of Kazuto Komoda who has served in America & Japan.

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The business card of Toyoaki 'Tommy' Wakazono who served in America & Japan. Tommy was also employed with SunTour-Maeda for some time.

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The business card of Mr. T. Tachibana (aka Mr. T). At this time he was a Director of JETRO in their Dusseldorf, Germany office.

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Mr T and Motoko out for a stroll while visiting the east coast of America

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A photo of Mr T (Tachibana) taken in about 2009 while he was in the east coast of America for his youngest daughter's (Tomoko) wedding in October. Mr T now sports long white hair along the side of his head.

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Mr T's grand daughters playing violins at a recital. Mr T is seated on the far right side. These lovely children are the daughters of Sawako, the Tachibana's eldest daughter.

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1982-September, Mr. Tachibana (aka Mr. T) and Howie standing in front of the Everything Bicycles booth at the Klon Cycle Show

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