New Search : Result for Part Number: H 1896Harper`sWeek : Item Detail
1896 March 14 HARPER`S WEEKLY an Illustrated Weekly Newspaper
Item# H 1896Harper`sWeek [H 1896Harper`sWeek]
Categories: Magazines&Periodicals-Antique, Non-Bicycle Title but with articles relating,
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This is the New York March 14, 1896 issue of Harper`s Weekly, Vol-XL No-2047 published by Harper & Brothers. The dimensions are 11 1/4 x 16 inches. See the picture gallery. The cover is a drawing of a photo of The Looting of Jaruco-Cuban Insurgents Making off with Booty After Burning the Town.

Picture Gallery for this Item (click images to enlarge)

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Page-260 with adverts for: (1) Olympic Cycle Mfg Co of New York, (2) Crawford Bicycles of Hagerstown, MD, (3) Palmer Pneumatic Tire Co of Chicago, (4) Sterling Cycle Works of Chicago, (5) Waverly brand bicycles from The Indiana Bicycle Co of Indianapolis, IN, (6) Windsor brand bicycles from the Sieg & Walpole Mfg Co of Kenosha, WI, (7) Stearns brand bicycles from the E.C. Stearns & Co of Syracuse, New York, (8) Monarch King of Bicycles from Monarch Cycle Mfg Co of New York, and (9) Crescent brand bicycles from Western Wheel Works of Chicago & New York.


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Page-261 with interesting text and images of horses including: (1) Kismet, Blitz, Rosewater, Gazelle & Dynamite.

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Page-264 (the outside back cover) with adverts for: (1) The Horsman brand bicycle (E.I. Horsman Co) of New York, (2) Columbia brand bicycles from The Pope Mfg Co of Hartford, CT, (3) Hodgman Single Tube Tires from the Hodgman Rubber Co of New York,  and (4) Rambler brand bicycles & Riding Academies from Gormully & Jeffery Mfg Co.

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