New Search : Result for Part Number: FrenchQuad 100year : Item Detail
French Quad Cycle Commemorating the 100 year Anniversary of the French Revolution
Item# FrenchQuad 100year [FrenchQuad 100year]
Categories: Stationary (Letterheads, Writing Paper, Note-greeting-cards, etc.),
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I`m not certain that this item belongs in this STATIONARY category. The article was pasted onto a piece of paper when I acquired it. The quad bicycle and 4-cyclists are die-cut. The words BONNE ANNEE appear in the area below the bicycle. There might be space on the reverse side for writing a message or it might be a `place setting` card used at a dinner or banquet. When I acquired it I was told that it was printed in commemoration of the 100-year Anniversary of the French Revolution.

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