New Search : Result for Part Number: England 1892 : Item Detail
1892 July-09, THE ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD `The Old Order Changeth` England
Item# England 1892 [England 1892]
Categories: Posters-1940's WW-II,
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This is neither a poster nor about WW-II, but I thought it should be included in this category because of its relationship to the military. This is a full image on page-28 of a British publication, THE ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD, depicting a military man on his bicycle; the illustration is by WHC Gtoome. The dimensions are 11 x 15 7/8 inches. The caption is; THE OLD ORDER CHANGETH.  The reverse side has an illustration of the Count and Countess Herbert Von Bismarck; The Countess was Fraulein Margaret Hoyos, daughter of Hungarian Count George Hoyos. She was born in Austria. There is considerable text about this marriage in addition to other subjects.

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