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Result for Part Number: CycleTree-103 : Item Detail |
1886 `UPATREE MARCH` Music with the Wilkes-Barre Wheelmen at Bear Creek, PA, |
Item# CycleTree-103 [CycleTree-103] Categories: Trees with Bicycles (CycleTree), | |
| Since Howie Cohen's passing, no items are for sale. | This is an unusual category but because I know of several appropriate items, I decided to include the category in this collection. This photo was taken from the front cover of a piece of sheet music published in 1896; UPATREE MARCH by J.I.Alexander, band master of the 9th Reg`t Band in Wilkes-Barre, PA. The picture is of the WILKES-BARRE WHEELMEN at Bear Creek, PA, taken on April 19, 1896. There are two Safety`s and a Tandem up the tree with about 16 of the cyclists. The balance of the cyclists and bikes are gathered around the base of the tree. This piece of music is dedicated to the Officers and Members of the 9th Reg`t Band. The original Sheet Music is in this collection, number U-SM-111 in the category of `SHEET MUSIC-ANTIQUE`. |
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