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Cooper`s Bicycle Center in Stillwater, OK
Item# CoopersBicyCenter [CoopersBicyCenter ]
Categories: Who's Who-Collectors and/or Historians of Bicycles, Who's Who-Retailers of Bicycles & Employees,
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Since Howie Cohen's passing, no items are for sale.
This store was founded in 1929 by Charlie & Mary Ellen (aka M.E.) Cooper in Stillwater, OK. It is currently managed by Wes Cash & his wife Mary Ann Cooper-Cash (the daughter of Charlie & M.E.). Visit the stores web site for more information about the products and activities at
A little history: Charlie loved collecting old bicycles and riding bicycles; he was fully immersed in the hobby and business. Mary & Charlie visited Kay & Howie`s home and Everything Bicycles in 1989 after which Mary wrote & published an article in a Stillwater newspaper (click here to see the article & photos). Kay & Howie visited the Cooper`s Stillwater home, store and the 50x100 foot building housing their large collection of bicycles & memorabilia in the 1990`s. Charlie passed away in 2008 at the age of 91 after suffering with a debilitating illness for several years. Mary Ellen cared for him at home throughout his illness. 
About Mary Ellen (M.E.) Cooper: Mary Ellen (M. E.) Cooper has lived most of her life in Stillwater and after running a motorcycle dealership for 21 years and raising her eight children, she was ready for retirement.
However, an empty nest feeling forced her to find something to do with her time.  She tried numerous things like calligraphy, cake decorating, and floral arrangement.  But, she didn`t find her calling until she was encouraged by the president of the Stillwater Writers` Group to join their group and try her hand at writing.  She had found her new ambition in life.
Since 1987, she has published over 50 articles and stories with varied interests and just completed her eighth book.  Her magazine credits include `Oklahoma Today,` `The Catholic Digest,` `ByLine,` `True Detective,` `Official Detective,` `Antique Trader Weekly,` `Family Digest,` and `Whispering Willow.`
Visit ME`s web site at Unfortunately, Mary suddenly passed away on March 25, 2010; she was a wonderful person and will be dearly missed.

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A recent picture of Mary Ellen (M.E.) Cooper

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