New Search : Result for Part Number: CO_Bicycle Colo : Item Detail
Bicycle Colorado, An Advocacy Organization for Bicycling Issues in Colorado (see the picture gallery)
Item# CO_Bicycle Colo [CO_Bicycle Colo]
Categories: Advocacy, Bicycling Organizations, Bike Rides, Bike Events, Charitable Fund Raising,
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Since Howie Cohen's passing, no items are for sale.

The mission of Bicycle Colorado is to encourage and promote bicycling, increase safety, improve conditions, and provide a voice for cyclists in Colorado. Visit their website at See the picture gallery.

Picture Gallery for this Item (click images to enlarge)

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An illustration of their Courtesy Code

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A sticker available without charge from www.bicycle The dimensions are 5 1/4 x 3 1/4 inches.

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The large size envelope sent to Howie with the Approval Certificate for obtaining a special license plate set for our automobile.

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The actual Approval Certificate sent to Howie (me) so I could obtain the special Share the Road license plates for one of our automobiles.

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The letter dated October 19, 2009 addressed to Howie (me) thanking me for my support and for spreading the message to share the road.

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An enclosure letter that arrived with the October 19, 2009 letter; this is titled; ABOUT BICYCLE COLORADO.

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An enclosure letter that arrived with the October 19, 2009 letter; this is titled; HOW TO GET YOUR LICENSE PLATES and contains a FAQ's section.

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An 8-panel, quad-fold brochure telling the purposes' and goals of the BICYCLE COLORADO organization. It contains good illustrations.

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