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Result for Part Number: CA_Bikecology : Item Detail |
Item# CA_Bikecology [CA_Bikecology] Categories: Advocacy, Bicycling Organizations, Bike Rides, Bike Events, Charitable Fund Raising, | |
| Since Howie Cohen's passing, no items are for sale. | This is a 12-page booklet published in 1971 by Friends For Bikecology, an advocacy group located in Santa Barbara, CA. The symbol (logo) for the organization is designed to symbolize the meaning of BIKECOLOGY; ECOLOGY THROUGH BICYCLING. See the logo on pages 11 & 12. Paraphrasing from page-3: Saturday, May 8, 1971 - Bikecology Day This day is the beginning! On May 8, 1971, our goal is to focus the nation`s attention on the importance of bicycling as a practical mode of transportation, to promote a greater awareness of bicycling as an aid in alleviating environmental problems and to develop a program of action that counters these problems. The movement would benefit all major cities in the nation. The dimensions are 8 1/2 x 11 inches. This image is of the front cover, see the picture gallery. |
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