New Search : Result for Part Number: BookContemp-S075 : Item Detail
©2003 and 2009 CLASSIC SCHWINN BICYCLES by William Love
Item# BookContemp-S075 [BookContemp-S075]
Categories: Books-Contemporary, Schwinn Bicycle Items,
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A 159 page soft cover book with an abundance of photos of Schwinn bicycles and catalogs. The dimensions are 7 3/8 x 9 1/4 inches, the condition is mint. See the picture gallery.

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Page-3, the Table of Contents

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Page-13, catalogs from 1933 & 1936

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Pages 120 & 121, Schwinn Krates from 1969 to 1972

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Pages 126 & 127, Whizzer Motor Bikes from 1947

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Pages 128 & 129, Whizzer Motor Bikes and Schwinn Cycle Trucks

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Pages 132 & 133, Schwinn Tandems

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Pages 156 & 157, Schwinn Serial Number Guide

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Pages 158 & 159, Index, Bibliography & Resources

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The outside back cover

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