New Search : Result for Part Number: BookAntq-P-061 : Item Detail
1905-1908 Very Rare Book `Patents For Inventions, Class 136 Velocipedes`, published by the England Patent Office (061)
Item# BookAntq-P-061 [BookAntq-P-061]
Categories: Books-Antique, Patents,
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231 pages full of patents (including illustrations, dates, and patent numbers) that were issued for velocipedes, bicycles, tricycles, component parts and accessories thereof, unicycles, home trainers and other items falling under Class 136. Very rare. The dimensions of the pages are 7 5/8 x 11 1/ inches, the dimensions of the cover are 8 3/4 x 11 1/2 inches, and unlike the earlier volumns, this cover is hard chipboard. The cover is in poor condition and the binding on the spine is exposed; the pages are nicked alonng the edges but the area where the text is printed is in very good condition. It includes two indexes; (1) by subject matter-product, and (2) by inventors name in `last name alphabetical order`.

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