New Search : Result for Part Number: BikeContempor-S-35 : Item Detail
Schwinn Collegiate, Lady`s
Item# BikeContempor-S-35 [BikeContempor-S-35]
Categories: Bicycles-Contemporary (1960 & later including BMX), Schwinn Bicycle Items,
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Since Howie Cohen's passing, no items are for sale.
This bicycle is no longer in the collection but the listing remains for its value for research. The one piece forged crank has the Shimano FFS (Front Freewheel System) which was only available for a few years in the late 1970`s & early 1980`s. The 5-speed derailleur system is Schwinn Approved (the rear derailleur is either Huret or Shimano). The tires are 26 x 1 3/8 S-6, rims are Schwinn raised center. The pedals are without reflectors. The chrome fenders have some rust which is easily removed with chrome polish. Serial #EE21732 is on the left rear dropout; this bike was originally sold by Rick`s Bicycle Center in Boulder, Colorado (decal on the seat tube). This bicycle has been sold.

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