New Search : Result for Part Number: BikeContempor-S-24 : Item Detail
Schwinn World Tourist, Gent`s
Item# BikeContempor-S-24 [BikeContempor-S-24]
Categories: Bicycles-Contemporary (1960 & later including BMX), Schwinn Bicycle Items,
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This bicycle is no longer in the collection but the listing remains for its value for research. This bike is ready to ride and/or show after a light clean up and maybe an adjustment to the brakes, gears & wheels. I have the matching lady`s model to this bike. The saddle has been swapped for a Troxel Adult thick padded seat; the rest of the bike is original. There is light rust in some areas, the rear fender reflector is missing and the fender braces are slightly bent. The crank is the Shimano FFS (Front Freewheel System) with the name `SELECTA` which was only available for a few years in the late 1970`s & early 1980`s. The 10-speed derailleur system is `POSITRON`. The tires are 27 x 1 1/4 Schwinn Traveler High Pressure. There is a bottle cage on the seatube. Serial #G0981 is on the right side rear dropout; this bike was manufactured for Schwinn by Giant-Taiwan. The frame size is 22 inch, measuring from the center of the BB to the top of the toptube. Although this is not a duplicate, it is available to sell.

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Close-up of the head-tube showing the general good condition, nameplate, and Shimano Positron Stem Shifters

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The Troxel Adult thick padded seat

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