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Bicycle Journal (BJ) later to become Bicycle Business Journal (BBJ) founded by Bill Quinn in 1947
Item# BicycleJournal Mag [BicycleJournal Mag]
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Bill Quinn is one of the great men of the bicycle industry. He is alive & kicking today at age 97, so if you want to send him a message or question, send it to me & I will forward it to Bill via his son Rix. I speak with Bill by phone every once in a while.
Bill founded BJ (Bicycle Journal) in 1947 with a $300.00 stake and the promise to pay the balance of $1000.00 at the rate of $60.00 per month. The title was Southern Bicycle Journal; at the time the circulation was about 3500 per issue. By 1950 the name had changed to Retailers Bicycle Journal and Bill’s publication went national and became known as the `bible of the industry`.  Bill and his charming wife, Lennie, were married in 1946; she accompanied Bill to most every bike industry function where Bill took photos of the industry personalities attending the various functions and published the photos in his magazine.  Bill changed her name in the magazine from Lennie to Lynn because he liked the sound of Lynn Quinn. In about 1951 the title was again changed and became Bicycle Journal.

Rix Quinn, Bill & Lennie`s son joined the company in 1976 and the name of the magazine was changed to Bicycle Business Journal(BBJ) in about 1984. The traditional size of the magazine was changed from the smaller 6x9 inch format to the larger 8 ¼ x 11 ¼ inch in about 1987.

To see the front covers of over 100 of Bill’s BJ & BBJ trade magazines from 1957 through the 1980`s click here.

The Quinn family also founded the Lawnmower Journal magazine in 1959. The name was soon changed to Outdoor Power Equipment; they sold the publication in 1988 and it is still being published.

Bicycle Business Journal published its last issue in 1996 at which time the Quinn`s decided to close the company because; (1) It was no longer fun, (2) American manufacturers had almost ceased to exist because of imports; even U.S.-made bikes` components were about 90% imported, and (3) The magazine was shrinking in size to the extent that they were losing pride in their product.

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Bill Quinn (on the right) was named to the Garden Industry of America Hall of Fame in 1985, recognizing his contributions made to the industry through his monthly magazine Outdoor Power Equipment.

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Picture of the Quinn family taken during the Holidays in 2004. Seated are Bill & Lennie 'Lynn', standing (L to R) Rix, Katie & wife Erica. Katie is the daughter of Rix & Erica. Lennie passed away the following year in 2005 at age 92.

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Bill (standing left) at age 97 and Rix (seated center) at age 62 with family and friends

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Rix Quinn in 1976

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Bill Quinn in the early 1940's when he was editing newspapers (before he purchased his initial bike magazine.

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Bill in his World War II uniform posing with his parents and his niece & nephew (Jill & Jack).

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Bill & Lennie in 1946 shortly after their marraige

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Bill (right side) and a bicyclist posing outside of Bill's printing company in 1959

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1976, Bill Quinn and Tom Sayler, executive secretary of the NBDA (National Bicycle Dealers Association) 

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This article about Bill Quinn's work during WW-2 was published in the June 1, 2012 issue of B.R.A.I.N., the trade magazine.

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