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Bill Quinn`s 100th Birthday Celebration!!!
Item# BicyJourn 0001-10 [BicyJourn 0001-10]
Categories: Magazines&Periodicals-Contemporary, Bicycle Journal & BBJ (Bicycle Business Jour, Who's Who-Media (Publishers, Editors, Authors, Advocacy, Trade Shows, Etc.),
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Bill Quinn`s son and daughter-in-law (Rix & Erica) arranged a wonderful celebration party for Bill`s 100th birthday. The gala event took place on May 19, 2012 evening at the Ridglea Country Club in Fort Worth, TX. The party was well attended by family & friends (about 85 guests were there). The bicycle industry members in attendance were; Howard Johnsen Jr., Howard`s sister Susan who has known Bill about all of her life, Walt Jarvis, Gene Smith (aka Smitty) and me, Howie Cohen. Appetizers were served while there was an open bar, followed by a lovely/delicious buffet dinner. Bill did the cake/candle thing and he had a little help blowing out the candles from Rix and other family members. Each guest was given a gold one-dollar coin (it was at each place setting). The coins are no longer produced because their cost was higher than their value. This gesture is typical of the generosity of the Bill Quinn family. This image is the invitation that Rix & Erica mailed to the invitees. See the picture gallery for additional images and photos taken at the party & the following day (Sunday) at Bill`s home.
On Sunday morning Rix, Walt, Smitty & Howie met at Bill`s home where we spent a few hours talking over old times and identifying some `old timer` members of the bike industry in photos from the Bicycle Journal Magazine archives. Some of the photos are already listed on this web site and others will be listed in due time. Howard Johnsen is helping me identify many of the bike folks in the old photos.
Bill bought a magazine in the mid 1940`s after WW-2. He made a modest down payment and paid the balance off with small monthly payments. That was the start of the Bicycle Journal publication. Rix Quinn joined the company in the early 1980s and managed it until they stopped publishing in the late 1990s.

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This article was published in the June 1, 2012 issue of B.R.A.I.N. (Bicycle Retailer And Industry News). The article describes Bill's service during WW-2 and some of his activities within the bicycle industry.

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The envelope used to mail out the invitations; this one is addressed to Howie.

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The gold one-dollar coin that was given to each guest; this one is Howie's souvenir to remember the wonderful event and the Quinn family. The diameter of the coin is 26mm.

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Some of the bike men at Bill's 100th Birthday Celebration (L-R); Bill Quinn, Howie Cohen, Gene 'Smitty' Smith, and Walt Jarvis.

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Howie Cohen greeting Bill Quinn during the reception line while cocktails and appetizers were being served.

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Bill is getting ready to blow out the candles while Rix (wearing the blue shirt) is asking him to wait a moment so the family can help. Katie & Tyler Fultz are discussing how they can help Grandfather Bill (Katie is Bill's Granddaughter).

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Bill and Rix blowing out the candles.

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The candles are out!!! Everyone cheered and applauded. Standing behind Bill (L-R); Rix Quinn, his wife Erica, their daughter Katie-Quinn Fultz, and son-in-law Tyler Fultz.

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Erica Quinn is removing the candles while the rest of the family looks on. Rix Quinn in the background, Bill Quinn seated, Erica Quinn removing the candles, and Katie Quinn-Fultz with her back partially to the camera (she is Rix & Erica's daughter and Bill's granddaughter).

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A table full of awards and other Bill Quinn memorabilia was on display near the entrance to the Garden Room.

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One of the memorabilia items is an issue of B.R.A.I.N. (Bicycle Retailer And Industry News) wherein a feature article about Bill was published on the front page. Bill is respected by his competitors as well as his readers.

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Sunday morning, May 20, 2012 at Bill Quinn's home. L-R Rix Quinn, Bill Quinn and Howie Cohen. We are using Bill's enlarger machine to enlarge the archive photos so that Bill can see and identify some of the old timers of the bike industry.

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Sunday morning, May 20, 2012 at Bill Quinn's home. L-R Howie Cohen, Walt Jarvis and Bill Quinn. We are looking at some of the hundreds of Bicycle Journal archive photos so that Bill can see and identify some of the old timers of the bike industry.

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Sunday morning, May 20, 2012 at Bill Quinn's home. L-R Gene 'Smitty' Smith, Walt Jarvis, Howie Cohen and Bill Quinn.

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Sunday morning, May 20, 2012 at Bill Quinn's home. L-R Howie Cohen & Bill Quinn. We are looking at photos from the 1950s & 1960s so that Bill can identify some of the old timers of the bike industry.

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Sunday morning, May 20, 2012 at Bill Quinn's home. L-R; Howie Cohen & Bill Quinn talking about one of the Bicycle Journal archival photos. We were able to recall the names of several old timers from the bike industry.

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The plastic case containing the DVD of the gala 100th Birthday Party for Bill Quinn arranged by Rix & Erica Quinn. The design of the case is up to the same quality as was the affair and as is the DVD. The photographer did a splendid job taking the video and producing the DVD. I watched the entire program and even though I was there for the party, I enjoyed again seeing Bill, his loving family and his friends/neighbors having such a good time and wishing Bill a Happy Birthday and continued good health & happiness. It is obvious that Bill has touched the lives of many in a positive manner, as he has my life. I thank Bill for his goodness and generosity.

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The reverse side of the DVD case with MAJOR EVENTS IN BILL QUINN'S LIFE (THUS FAR) listed chronologically.

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This is an image of the actual DVD of the gala 100th Birthday Party for Bill Quinn arranged by Rix & Erica Quinn. The design of the DVD label is up to the same quality as was the affair and as is the DVD. The photographer did a splendid job taking the video and producing the DVD. I watched the entire program and even though I was there for the party, I enjoyed again seeing Bill, his loving family and his friends/neighbors having such a good time and wishing Bill a Happy Birthday and continued good health & happiness. It is obvious that Bill has touched the lives of many in a positive manner, as he has my life. I thank Bill for his goodness and generosity.

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This is an image of the actual DVD of the gala 100th Birthday Party for Bill Quinn arranged by Rix & Erica Quinn. The design of the DVD label is up to the same quality as was the affair and as is the DVD. The photographer did a splendid job taking the video and producing the DVD. I watched the entire program and even though I was there for the party, I enjoyed again seeing Bill, his loving family and his friends/neighbors having such a good time and wishing Bill a Happy Birthday and continued good health & happiness. It is obvious that Bill has touched the lives of many in a positive manner, as he has my life. I thank Bill for his goodness and generosity.

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