New Search : Result for Part Number: BicWorld.LAW-004J : Item Detail
1890, August-29 Vol XXI #18 `Bicycling World & L.A.W. Bulletin`
Item# BicWorld.LAW-004J [BicWorld.LAW-004J]
Categories: Magazines&Periodicals-Antique, Bicycling World&LAW Bulletin ,
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Contains pages 587-618. A weekly magazine (periodical) published every Friday by The Wheelman Company at 19 Pearl St., Boston; editors C.W. Fourteener & J.S. Dean. Full of interesting articles about bicycling, club rides, racing, industry, inventions, roads, politics and more, covering the entire USA plus some European news. It contains an abundance of ads from large and small manufacturers of bicycles, parts & sundries. You can get an idea of the scope of completeness of each issue (news & ads) by viewing the picture gallery of item #BicWorld.LAW-003t. This publication is one of the most valuable reference materials for the period. The dimensions are 9 1/8 x 11 5/8 inches.

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