New Search : Result for Part Number: BRAIN 2010-03B : Item Detail
2010 March-15 Bicycle Retailer and Industry News (aka B.R.A.I.N.)
Item# BRAIN 2010-03B [BRAIN 2010-03B]
Categories: Magazines&Periodicals-Contemporary, B.R.A.I.N. (Bicycle Retailer),
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Bicycle Retailer and Industry News (aka B.R.A.I.N.) is a very well written and designed publication packed full with news and photos about interesting happenings within the bicycle industry. This issue`s front page mentions; (1) BRAIN`s Phoenix Dealer Bike Tour, (2) QBP`s FROSTBIKE Show for Dealers, (3) Bicycle Parts Supplier Association reports excess inventory, & (4) Electra Bicycle Co is first to apply mobile phone application (Apps) to their bike line. This issue, like all others contains Departments including; LETTERS, RETAIL BRIEFS, GLOBAL BRIEFS, PRODUCT REVIEWS, ADVOCACY BRIEFS. TECH BRIEFS, GRAPEVINE, EDITORIAL and several other Department Categories. The dimensions are 10 1/4 x 11 7/8 inches.

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