New Search : Result for Part Number: BL CCM : Item Detail
Categories: Ink Blotters, Pens & Pencils, Pencils, Pens & Ink Blotters, Pens, Pencils & Ink Blotters,
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Since Howie Cohen's passing, no items are for sale.
THIS ITEM IS NOT IN MY COLLECTION. Ink Blotters were an effective method of advertising in the early 1900`s. This blotter is advertising Cap`s Bicycle Store in Vancouver, Canada andCCM and Dunlop; both were Canadian manufacturers. There are other ink blotters in my collection; if an ink blotter has the name of a company related to the bicycle industry it is in a different category. To see all of the ink blotters in the collection type `blotters` in the search feature located on the top-right corner of the home page & click-on `search`. The dimensions of this blotter are about 6 x 3 1/2 inches.

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