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BDS Magazine 1988-October (Bicycle Dealer Showcase) (See the picture gallery) |
Item# BDS 1988-10 [BDS 1988-10] Categories: Magazines&Periodicals-Contemporary, Bicycle Dealer Showcase, | |
| Since Howie Cohen's passing, no items are for sale. | The October 1988 issue of BDS (Bicycle Dealer Showcase) magazine; Volume 17, Number-10. BDS was published for many years and was distributed to members of the bicycle industry. The issues are loaded with editorial articles about persons & companies within the bike industry and plenty of photos and advertisements which will give you accurate information about the bike industry at the time. See the picture gallery. |
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Page-4, an article regarding the acquisition of West Coast Cycle (Howie's former family company) and Huffy's Raleigh America operation by Derby International. Other Derby International operations include; Kalkoff-Germany, Raleigh-Canada, South Africa & Ireland, and Sturmey Archer. Derby appointed Sid Dunofsky, president of WCC to lead the entire USA operation. As a side note, Sid is quite a good tennis player, he & Howie have enjoyed some friendly competitive tennis matches in the 1980s. |
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Pages-22 & 23, an article by Pete van Nuys regarding the bankruptcy of Ross Bicycles (aka Chain Bike Corp.) and the rebuilding of the company under the new name (Ross Bicycles USA). The article mentions several well known leaders/companies in the bicycle industry including; Jerry Ross, Randy Ross, Pat Cunnane, CITI Wheel King (a Taiwanese bicycle manufacturer), Windsor Bicycles of Mexico, Larry Goldmeier, Allen & Steven Goldmeier, (Rand International), Nyle Nims, Imre Barsy, Willie & Bob Ehrlich of BCA (Bicycle Corporation of America), Eddie Schwinn, and others. |
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Page-24, a continuation of the article regarding the bankruptcy & rebuilding of Ross Bicycles (Chain Bike corp). |
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Page-26, a continuation of the article regarding the bankruptcy & rebuilding of Ross Bicycles (Chain Bike corp) and adverts for two Taiwanese companies; (1) Li Hsin Tires & Tubes and (2) Lifu Bicycle Co., maker of tools for bicycles. |
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Page-27, a continuation of the article regarding the bankruptcy & rebuilding of Ross Bicycles (Chain Bike corp) and two adverts; (1) Monark & Universal exercise bicycles & equipment, and (2) Linear Recumbent Bicycles by Kann Mfg., Co of Guttenberg, IA. |
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Page-28, a continuation of the article regarding the bankruptcy & rebuilding of Ross Bicycles (Chain Bike corp) and an advert for Titan Cycle Ind., Co of Taiwan. |
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Page-30, a continuation of the article regarding the bankruptcy & rebuilding of Ross Bicycles (Chain Bike corp) and an advert for Barrecrafters of Shelburne, VT, maker of rack systems for transporting bikes on cars. |
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Page-49, an advert by he Huffy Corp. regarding their sale of the Raleigh Cycle Company of America to Derby International Corp. |
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Page-54, the initial page of a multi-page interview with Bob Hansing, the owner of Euro Asia Imports. Bob candidly answers all of the questions asked by freelance writer Gordon Black. Euro Asia Imports placed among the 1987-1988 BDS Top 12 Survey and was in the first position (rated first) in several categories. Bob and the staff at Euro Asia are among the most knowledgeable in the bicycle industry about high end, high tech Pro racing bikes, components and equipment. |
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Page-56, the continuation of the multi-page interview with Bob Hansing, the owner of Euro Asia Imports. |
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Page-57, the continuation of the multi-page interview with Bob Hansing, the owner of Euro Asia Imports. |
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Pages-58 & 59, the continuation of the multi-page interview with Bob Hansing, the owner of Euro Asia Imports. |
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