New Search : Result for Part Number: AwardTrophy-019 : Item Detail
Metal Casting Trophy-CREDIT MUTUEL (number-019)
Item# AwardTrophy-019 [AwardTrophy-019]
Categories: Awards & Trophys Won by Racers,
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The trophy plate is a metal casting and is attached to a red velvet covered easel-back frame. The shape of the casting is specific so I think it might be the shape of a European country. The design is very attractive (4-racers, a right-crank with chainring, pedal & toe-clip-strap, and a unexplained triangle of red-white & blue colors on the lower right side). The race was apparently sponsored by Credit Mutuel. The dimensions are: easel-frame 155x190mm, trophy-plate 198x124mm. This came from the collection of Swiss/Tex friend, Andre Bohren, with my gratitude.

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