New Search : Result for Part Number: 2012-09 Smitty.c : Item Detail
2012 September Gene Smith (Smitty) visits Colorado, at dinner
Item# 2012-09 Smitty.c [2012-09 Smitty.c]
Categories: Photographs-2000~2012 Various & Miscellaneous,
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Gene Smith (aka Smitty) with his charming companion, Suanne Chase, visited Kay & Howie in Colorado for a few days after the Interbike Expo in Las Vegas (September 2012). This photo was taken at The Colorado Wok, a local Chinese restaurant one evening at dinner. The food at the Colorado Wok is the best Chinese food that I have been able to find in all of Colorado. Smitty & Howie have been good friends since the early 1960s. L to R; Smitty, Suanne Chase, Kay & Howie Cohen.

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