New Search : Result for Part Number: 2002 CoWheelmen.07 : Item Detail
2002 July 27th The 35th Wheelmen Meet in Golden, Colorado
Item# 2002 CoWheelmen.07 [2002 CoWheelmen.07]
Categories: Photographs-2000~2012 Various & Miscellaneous,
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This photo of an 83 Member Stack of Ordinaries plus the additional vintage bikes in front of the stack was taken on the occasion of the 35th Wheelmen Meet on July 27, 2002 at the Clear Creek History Park in Golden, Colorado. Collector Steve Stevens was the captain of the Colorado Wheelmen at the time and he put forth a great effort to arrange for this photo and the entire Meet. The more than 100 participants were all in period dress for the occasion. The dimensions are 28 x 9 7/8 inches.

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