New Search : Result for Part Number: 2001Souvenir 012 : Item Detail
Five Souvenir Items from the 2001 UCI Mountain Bike World Championships, Vail, Colorado
Item# 2001Souvenir 012 [2001Souvenir 012]
Categories: World Cycling Championships-UCI,
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Since Howie Cohen's passing, no items are for sale.
The five items are; (1) bean filled ball used to be kicked and balanced and passed to another participant by your feet, (2) green container for bandaids (with hole for lanyard or keychain), (3) patch kit for repairing bicycle tubes, (4) yellow push-up container (with lanyard) of Zincstuff Sunblock, and two dog-tag type medallions on a long chain. I collected these items while attending the event.

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