New Search : Result for Part Number: 1999 LosPedales PR : Item Detail
LOS PEDALES in Puerto Rico - Retailer and Distributor
Item# 1999 LosPedales PR [1999 LosPedales PR]
Categories: Photographs-Bicycle Distributors Facilities,
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Since Howie Cohen's passing, no items are for sale.
Los Pedales is the retail division of the retail/wholesale operation of this fine company. They are located on the opposite side of Puerto Rico from San Juan. Howie & Kay visited their facilities in 1999. At this moment I cannot recall the names of the father and son (owners) of the company, nor the name of the Distribution Division side of their business. This picture is of the owners son & Howie in their showroom. The dimensions are 5 x 6 7/8 inches.

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The front view of their retail store; the distribution facility was located in a large area at the rear of this store.

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The owners, father & son with Howie. A large bag of Howie's samples is sitting on the table.

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Howie posing with one of the employees who is taking an order from a dealer by phone. Notice the large inventory of product on the pallet racking in the background and the order of parts & accessories on the table waiting to be packaged and shipped.

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