New Search : Result for Part Number: 1927SingerGrocery : Item Detail
1927 Photo of Singer`s Grocery Store, Mpls, MN (lender of seed money to start WCCSC)
Item# 1927SingerGrocery [1927SingerGrocery ]
Categories: Photographs-1920~1929 Various & Miscellaneous, West Coast Cycle Supply Co (WCC or WCCSC) (Howie's family business),
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This is a 1927 picture (L-R) of Howie`s mother`s father & her brother (Howie`s grandfather & uncle) standing in grandfather`s corner grocery store in Mpls, MN. Why include this picture on this website? A little history: In about 1939 grandpa Singer lent $5.00 to Howie`s father to pay for the purchase of a used bike. Leo (Howie`s father) repaired & painted the bike and RosaBelle (Howie`s mother) sold the bike while displaying it in the driveway of the family residence. The sale was for $10.00 and my parents immediately repaid the $5.00 to grandpa. It should be noted that grandpa Singer immigrated to America from a tiny village in the mountains of Romania; he couldn`t speak English. Even so, he managed to open his business which modestly supported his family. This loan was the seed money that enabled the Cohen family to be in the bicycle industry. Grandpa`s name was Adolf (Abe) Singer and his eldest son in the picture is Chuck Singer, who was instrumental in the success of the Cohen`s bicycle business.

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